There is so much we don’t know about ourselves, our world, and our universe. There are many new theories about the laws of quantum physics and energy that are shattering our understandings of how our reality functions and how we as conscious being alter our perceptions of our world.

Taking in all perspectives and judging for ourselves with our hearts is the only way we will know the truth. Setting our perspective based on what someone else tells us we should see or feel is becoming obsolete.

As you investigate the changing concepts of spirituality, physics, and what it means to be aware of yourself as a conscious being; you will change how you view your world. As you listen and learn, keep an open mind sense of wonder about it all. Accept nothing as truth until you feel it in your bones that it is absolute. Just because a school of thought has had an endocrined way of doing things for thousands of years, or a certain “law” of reality has been declared, doesn’t mean it is an absolute

Remember, a few hundred years ago, we thought the Earth was flat. We thought the Earth was the center of the known universe until Capernicous and Galileo changed our understanding of the stars. Up until a few decades ago we thought the Milky Way was the “structure” of all there was in the universe. And up until the last few years, we thought there were only nine planets around our star.

When we refuse to continue our learning process, we inhibit our growth and we stop the evolution of understanding our reality. As long as we keep an open mind to the potentials of all possibilities of our universe, we’ll set no limit as to how our reality can unfold.

What reality are you prepared to accept?

What reality are you going to create from your new perspective?

What concepts in your world have you questioned or wanted to confirm beliefs about?

When you open your mind to new possibilities of the way you look at life, anything then becomes possible.  
