Photography provided by Jared Chambers
You came here for a reason…find out what it is!
Start living today
This moment
Right now
The present
These are the only parts of your life that you will live; “the now”. The past can’t be changed and the future isn’t written. So what are you doing in your moments to be alive? Too many of us are worried about the future, money, relationships, the road in front of us. What if we just stopped all that….and just be who we are deep down. What if we were just happy right now with what is... rather than saying “I’ll be happy when __________ happens”.
If we can learn to be happy now, then all future moments of now- no matter the circumstances- will bring us happiness too. So many wealthy people are not happy now, and no matter what they fill the void with (drugs, alcohol, cars, possessions) they never feel complete. So what IF we were just happy now…right now? What if we discovered all the things in our life that bring us joy and pursued them, admired them, and focused on them? What if no matter what is going on in your life you only focused on the positive things in your life, and the positivity that you were magnetizing into your experience. The fact that nothing in life needs to change if you do this; the past remained the same (set as what it is), your future remained the same (unwritten and with infinite possibilities) the only thing that changed was YOU and what your perception or point of view is.
“Live a -WANT TO- life, not a -HAVE TO- life””
Change the way you see things, and the things you see will change
One of the greatest lessons I learned about perception is when I learned about Claude Monet. During my time working in the museum industry, I heard talks about Monet and how his paintings changed over time. Looking at the paintings below, what do you think of immediately when you compare the first two paintings with the last two?
What you might think to yourself at first is, “Those first two paintings are so much better than the last two”. You might say that the first two seem so colorful and alive and detailed, while the second two were a bit dull, less detailed and less vivid. The paintings that Monet’s created later in his life were much like the last two pictures; blurry, drab not very detailed. This was not a lack of talent or effort on his part. It was simply a reflection of what he perceived. You see, Monet developed cataracts In his older years, and instead of trying to paint like he had in his younger years and “fill in” the colors he thought he should see, he painted what he actually saw.
THIS is a lesson in perception. Not only on Monet’s part, but on the part of your own. Now, whenever you look at a Monet painting, especially when you have the opportunity to compare his works over the span of his life, you will now understand why these paintings look different. This is something you cannot “un-learn”, for it is now going to be your perception of his works.
The paintings have not changed, it is only your self that has changed. But changing how you viewed these paintings with new-found knowledge has forever changed how you will see this aspect of the world.
To help you develop your own highest perception of truth, potential and oneness in your life. Your vantage point of perception will change many times over during the progression of your cognitive conscious progression. The point of this community is not to tell you what the vantage point is, but help you climb the mountain to gain the highest perspective of the overview and let you create your own perspective.